Sunday, February 8, 2009

The Birth of FavorWish was born at Seattle Startup Weekend2. An event that recruits a highly motivated group of developers, business managers, startup enthusiasts, marketing gurus, graphic artists and more to a 54 hour event that builds communities, companies and projects.

Founded in 2007 by Andrew Hyde, the weekend is a concept of a conference focusing on learning by creating. It is known for its quick decisions, ‘out of the box’ thinking, unique facilitation technique and letting the founders show what they can do with the goal of starting with an idea on Friday night and having a viable company on Sunday evening.

Seattle2 Startup Weekend began on Friday February 6th. Over 45 ideas were pitched and of the 45, 15 sifted to the top and began recruiting their teams.

FavorWish, the brain child of Cheryl Hendricks, began as a Wishing Well concept a virtual space for real life Pay it Forward actions. In the original idea someone goes to the Wishing Well and finds a wish to fill. Once they've helped someone with their wish, they are then able to post their own wish. This idea morphed as the weekend progressed into the final concept of

So what is FavorWish all about…

We all need a hand sometimes, and there are a lot of people who are willing to help, but we don't know where to start. FavorWish makes it easy to connect people who need a favor with others willing to lend them a hand.

FavorWish is all about building bonds, establishing relationships and fostering stronger local communities.

Do something good today…

Here is a quick summary of what happened over the week end:

The fun started on Saturday morning at 9am as Cheryl started selling the original idea and recruiting people. As sub teams formed, Liv was conducting domain name searches and even before the name was selected Russ started the site design and branding. Othmane took on the role of Devil's advocate and pointed out potential pitfalls of the various solutions. While the idea was shaping up, Michael was installing the server getting the development environment ready for action. Andrew had already started doing some market research. Benjamin and the rest of the technical team helped refine the original solution into a viable user experience and site design . Without any breaks, Joseph and Bart started defining the backend database schema which was then presented to the rest of the development team. Before starting on the implementation, Kyle conducted the legal review of the current solution. From that point on, Trevor and Michael started implementing the backend system and James worked on the front-end development. The development team continued to worked until 1:30am on Saturday night at Othmane's place.

On Sunday morning, the whole team was back to work for a long day of continued execution with the development team continuing to implement the solution while Liv, James, Rob and Cheryl continued the work started the day before on the marketing and business plan.

This has been a great week end... Thanks to a great team(in no particular order - a basic copy and paste from the contact list): Liv Browning , James Gosserand, Trevor F. Smith, Othmane Rahmouni, Andrew Lauhoff, Benjamin Gadbaw, Joseph Chow, Jeff Yee, Bart Gottschalk, Michael Rose, Rob Capogna, Cheryl Hendrick, Russ McIntosh, and Kyle Flindt.

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